Hello out there to all my fellow
readers and authors. No matter what our
genre of preference, I’m sure none of us will ever forget when we first fell in
love with the written word. For me, it
was The Hobbit. I still have the first, and only, copy I bought
many, many decades ago. The opening line
grabbed me and never let go. That’s all
it took. I have been a fan of reading
ever since.
The love of reading eventually
turned me to a new passion, one of writing.
I have written hundreds of thousands of words for short stories, poems,
and songs. All unpublished and most
unread by anyone other than myself.
Mainly because I was afraid to let anyone read them for fear of
ridicule. Who hasn’t felt the gut
wrenching fear of unanswerable internal questions? Is it good enough? Will anyone besides my mother like it? Or
even want to read it?
I finally won out over my
fears. After spending two long years
writing and rewriting, and editing, I published my first completed novel, Written in Blood, in July of 2016. It is the first book in my Christian-based
crime series, The Foley Chronicles: Files
from the 8th District.
While it has not won critical acclaim, it has garnered multiple 4 and 5
star reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads.
I am now ready to choke out those
nagging questions and mixed emotions once again. The second book in my series, Root of Evil, will be available by June
15th, on both Amazon and CreateSpace. Just in time for Father’s Day!
This year, give your father,
husband, son, or brother the great gift of their newest favorite book. Who knows, it may inspire them to publish
their own!
Thanks, and happy reading
Follow one of these links to get your copy:
Createspace (paperback)
Amazon (Kindle edition)